La Rue du Petit-Champlain, one of the oldest streets in North America, was also a thrill to profile. Favorite clip: 0:30 ? a great overview of the thriving street. YouTube Preview Image. After Québec City, we headed up the St. Lawrence River, and visited the charming ... A definite highlight of our time in Charlevoix, was profiling Le Domaine Forget, a vast historical estate that serves as a musical institution, and is home to the International Music and Dance Academy. ...
Paris' 97-room Plaza Paris Vendôme is the ideal base for a city romp?the beds are so soft you can practically melt into them, and it's one of the few hotels in the city to have a 36-foot-long lap pool. You'll fall in love with the deliciously rich Jean-Paul Hevin chocolate lollipop left on your pillow each night (4, rue du Mont Thabor, Paris; doubles from $355 per night; 011-33-1-40-20-20-00; Dining. Delicious food and grand décor make the Café ...
one of the biggest and most central of them is the main post office for the 1st arrondissement, at 52 rue du louvre (tel. 01-40-28-76-00; métro: musée du louvre). it maintains the hours noted above for services including the sale of ...